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Drama Review: Entertainer (2016)

Actors such as Ji Sung, Hyeri, Kang Min Hyuk and Chae Jung Ahn puts lots of effort into making "Entertainer" the beautiful piece of art it deserves to be. "Entertainer" is a comedy, business and music related drama with lots of emotional scenes. This drama has a total of 18 episodes.

Shin Suk Ho (Ji Sung) was once working as a manager in the thriving agency "Ktop entertainment", where he worked with Korea's top notch singers and actors. Suk Ho got tangled up in some serious cases and is now the CEO of Mango Entertainment, a small agency he founded himself when he found out that his career no longer could be saved at Ktop. Suk Ho's life takes a drastic turn when he encounters a young person with the potential of saving Suk Ho from his misery. This drama does not only show the pleasant moments in a idols life, but also the different hardships some of them have to experience. The music industry is not an exception when it comes to secrets and fraud.

I had no idea that Kang Min Hyuk could pull off such a good performance. He proved that he is capable of making the most heartless person cry a river of tears. The fact that his outstanding acting made me cry, which is something few have managed to do, confirms his excellence and potential in acting. I am sure he will get tons of acting roles after this impressive piece of art.
Ji Sung plays the role as a manager and CEO exceptionally well, and it is impossible not to fall in love with him.

I absolutely love how this drama capture moments. The camera angles, the background music and the lightning. Everything is carefully considered and well planned. All of these things make the end result look stunning. This drama is absolutely a must watch if you appreciate good craftsmanship as much as I do.

"Entertainer" left me with tons of feelings, both sad and happy. The reason why I ended up sticking to the end, must have been the constant roller-coaster ride of heartwarming as well as heartbreaking moments. This drama might come off as slow paced, but I can assure you that you won't regret it if you stay to the end. The good acting and unraveling secrets compensate for the slow paced history.

"Entertainer" is defiantly a must watch drama. This drama has taught me so many things, and made me a better person. By following Suk Ho trough his hard times, I have learned that even though everything seem dark, there will always be someone by your side that cares and wishes you well. Some things are hard to bear by yourself, and it is therefore important to give other the chance to
help. I might seem scary, and sometimes it looks like it is better to keep it a secret. But other people
might help you out of your hard times, you are stronger together.

Overall this was an enjoyable drama full of humor and sadness. If you are looking for a drama that makes you cry a river of tears, "Entertainer" is the drama for you. I rate this drama 9.0/10. This drama is a gem, but I don't think I will be re-watching it.¨

Drama description -
Watch drama here -


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